Public Policy Resources.
Public Policy Blog
10 Ways to Drive Corporate Advocacy & Influence Public Policy
Businesses that engage in public policy early and often can protect their interests, shape better laws, and create a more predictable environment for growth. Whether it’s at the state or federal level, making an impact means using the right strategies and tech tools to stay informed and take action.
Introducing Plural Policy Analyzer— Convert Legislation Into Simple Text, Instantly
At Plural we’re proud to announce the launch of our newest tool for better understanding legislation, Plural Policy Analyzer. Policy Analyzer is an AI Assistant that takes in legislation and distills its bill text into accurate and concise summarization of what the legislation is doing. If you’ve been following our brand for awhile, you’ll know […]
Why Do Presidents Use Executive Orders?
President Trump’s recent flurry of executive orders is making us consider: how do executive orders impact public policy?
Free Resources
End of Session Report: Florida 2024 Legislative Session
The 2024 Florida legislative session saw significant activity in the realm of insurance and financial services, reflecting key themes of consumer protection, market stability, and regulatory modernization.
2024 118th Congress Report
While that post-election period will include important debates regarding the funding of the government (including cash-strapped disaster relief programs) into 2025, it is safe to say that we shouldn’t anticipate any seismic shifts in policymaking as lawmakers prepare for a new Congress in January.
2024 End-of-Session Report: New York
The recent legislative session in New York saw a significant focus on the “Employment, Labor and Professional Development” policy area, with numerous bills passed addressing a wide range of issues.
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