The Secure Elections Project is a national organization dedicated to advancing campaigns for bipartisan, pro-voter policies that modernize the voting system, making elections more efficient and secure.

The Challenge: Growing Complexities Require a Smarter Tool
In 2020, the uptick of bills introduced concerning elections was unmistakable. The Secure Elections Project typically saw a handful of election-focused legislation introduced in the 10 to 15 states they were working in; but in 2020, they saw over 100 bills pre-filed in Texas alone. An increased focus on elections in legislatures nationwide was evident and the Project needed to streamline their workflows to handle the volume, expand into other states, and collaborate with partners across the country.

The Solution: A Tool That Provides More Than Just Legislative Tracking
The Secure Elections Project knew they needed an intelligence tool that would allow them to handle their increased workload and scale their efforts. They explored several government relations tools and ultimately chose Plural because it provided features beyond tracking and allowed their team to get up to speed quickly. With Plural, the Project could easily customize and organize their workflows to discover, track, and collaborate on issues internally and externally — all within a single intuitive system.
“With Plural, we can now easily streamline our workflows, prioritize our focus, and use data to predict the viability of hundreds of bills across the country. We use the tool to organize bills by priority so that the Secure Elections Project can hone in on the right legislation to take action on. With the ability to create custom tags directly on a bill, we can be incredibly nimble in labeling opportunities. This allows us to pivot our strategy quickly.”
— Orlando Jones, Chief of Staff & Director of Government Relations
The Outcome: Legislative Intelligence for Expanded Reach
For the 2023 session, the Secure Elections Project identified, prioritized, and collaborated with partners to advance election modernization in all 50 states, expanding their reach by over 230%. By using Plural last session, their time spent tracking legislation was cut by 85%, collaboration efforts were made more efficient, and customized internal processes made their work more effective. The Project estimates that by utilizing Plural their small but mighty team can do the work of a group more than three times their size.

Try Plural for yourself.
“We use the data provided by Plural to make detailed reports that show which bills we’re tracking, their viability, prioritization level, and status. We also include who on our team is responsible for monitoring each bill, any possible roadblocks, and any additional notes or attachments. None of this would be possible without Plural — it has allowed a team of three to perform like a team of ten because we can easily customize the tool to work for our unique needs.”
— Orlando Jones, Chief of Staff & Director of Government Relations
The Details
Tagging bills by importance and viability keeps the Secure Elections Project organized, allowing them to expand their reach. Plural allowed them to customize how they labeled (or “tagged” bills) and to export the most important bill data to create effective reports and move their issues forward.
Automatic updates concerning important bills kept everyone informed and ready to take action. Plural transformed the way that the Secure Elections Project collaborated with their strategic partners. Instead of spending hours drafting dozens of emails and making phone calls, the Project was able to leverage Plural’s platform to share updates about legislation instantly.
Plural makes it possible to audit past sessions, identify areas of opportunity, and strategically plan. The Secure Elections Project must ensure they spend their time in the right places while covering multiple states and hundreds of bills. Plural allows them to audit bills from previous sessions and create a strategic plan for the future.