Plural offers legislative bill analysis tools designed to supercharge your legislative intelligence. Learn more about discovering Similar Bills in Plural today!

In the complex world of legislation, discovering connections between bills just got easier, thanks to Plural.

Ever wondered how bills are interconnected? Plural’s intelligence engine reveals the unseen links, identifying bills with shared language and objectives. Plural’s Related Bill recommendations are based on the degree of text similarity between specific versions of different bills. Plural calculates similarity by breaking down sentences and comparing them to versions of other bills. When two bills are found to share at least 65% of the same substantive text, Plural identifies them as related.

Uncovering legislative intelligence doesn’t stop there. Plural goes deeper to label the relationships, using machine learning methods and historical legislative data. You’ll gain a greater sense of the context and history of a given bill by identifying companion bills, re-introduced bills, and omnibus bills.

Get Started With Plural’s Legislative Bill Analysis Tools

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