Saddled with legacy technology and faced with a myriad of new legislation, Fredrikson & Byron needed to radically change its workflow in order to deliver results for their high-demand clients.

“Plural’s workflow and collaboration features are critical to us staying ahead of bills and operating from a position of clarity.”

Cody Holliday, Public Policy Specialist & Registered Lobbyist

The Background

With a history spanning 7 decades Fredrikson & Byron started from humble beginnings and gradually evolved into a multidisciplinary and world-renowned firm of over 100 professionals serving top brands such as Buffalo Wild Wings, Target, and Blue Dot.

The Goal

Reduce the time it takes to discover bills and deliver actionable insight to clients.

For many firms, gaining insight around complex bills is a challenge— plus doing that across distributed teams can feel impossible. But for firms serving top tier clients, it’s a necessity if they want to deliver on the unique needs of their clients.

By leveraging artificial intelligence, it’s now possible to gain unprecedented insight into bills while never missing a new development through automated bill tracking— all while collaborating with remote teams. This means, greater clarity into bills, less time spent reviewing them, and more time on strategy and execution.

Workflow Transformation with Plural

The Problem

Fredrikson & Byron built an impressive portfolio of clients across 5 distinct issue areas. With a team of 10 managing the government relation practice, and an ever growing wave of legislation flooding their inboxes, Cody Holliday and his team were hard pressed to keep up with the fluid nature of the legislative process.

“Our workflow was critical to delivering to our clients. When a bill is introduced, our team reviews the bill, extracts the important elements and then translates it into actionable insight for our weekly reports. For us it was critical that we had a flexible and collaborative platform that helps us cover more ground.”

The legacy system the firm used lacked the speed and flexibility they needed to quickly find the legislative data they needed and the lack of customer support often left them stuck in the mud.

The Results

After rigorous analysis of available tools and their requirements, Fredrikson & Byron chose Plural. Immediately after adopting Plural, Cody and his team were able to quickly navigate bills, see deeper into the nuances of the bills they were tracking, and extract what mattered most for their clients.

With the intuitive workflow and artificial intelligence-driven bill discovery, Fredrikson & Byron significantly reduced the time between bill discovery and client engagement. As a result, they were able to replace the time spent on flipping through countless pages of legislation and spend more time on what mattered most— strategy and execution on behalf of their clients.

About | Plural helps government affairs teams and lobbying groups increase productivity, work remotely, enhance communication, and improves access to legislation across the country.