U.S. State Legislative Tracking and AI-Insights

Experience unparalleled access to state legislative developments with Plural’s AI-enhanced tracking software. Plural offers real-time updates, analytical insights, and in-depth reports tailored for each state’s legislative environment. With Plural, it’s easier than ever to track bills, understand their trajectories, and gain insights into legislative trends and patterns.

State legislative tracking, designed to meet your needs.

Premium legislative data

View comprehensive bill data and discover legislator and staffer information. Our proprietary data ingestion methodology ensures that you’ll never miss a bill and never get caught with outdated information.

Intuitive design

Plural boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Spend less time navigating the tool and more time on effective legislative tracking and analysis. What will you do with extra time in your day?

Saved searches

Use advanced search options to narrow down your results in Plural. Save your searches to get notified of new developments and key bills as they’re introduced.

Real-time alerts

Public policy moves fast — getting caught with out-of-date information can impede your success. With Plural, you’ll get real-time updates on the bills you’re monitoring.

Deepen Your Legislative Insights With AI

Plural’s AI-driven tools provide predictive insights, helping you anticipate legislative outcomes and strategize accordingly. Whether you’re tracking a specific bill or monitoring broader legislative trends, our platform equips you with the tools you need to navigate state legislatures effectively.

Similar Bills

With Plural, it’s easy to discover related and highly similar bills. This includes Omnibus bills, or bills with a high degree of text similarity, like model bills.

Global Bill Search

Plural’s Global Bill Search Tool helps users see whether similar bills have been introduced across multiple jurisdictions.

Momentum Indicator

During the legislative session, use Plural’s Momentum Indicator to see which bills are likely to come up for a vote by the end of session.

Bill Summaries & Topics

Plural’s revolutionary AI-powered bill summarization tool condenses long, dense bill text into a short summary that retains the key details of the bill. Discover version-to-version bill summaries to see changes quickly and succinctly. Plus, unlock AI-generated bill topics to streamline your search and organization.

Get Started Today.

Experience the power of Plural first-hand with a free account or schedule a demo for a live walk through of the platform. Find out how Plural can transform the way you and your team shape policy.