What did legislators in Illinois achieve during the 2024 legislative session? Check out our recap of the Illinois legislature’s work this year.

Illinois state legislators returned to Springfield this January following a productive 2023 session highlighted by action on issues in the national conversation including abortion rights and book bans. Governor Pritzker’s national profile has grown steadily since becoming Governor in 2019. He has developed a reputation for big spending and taking on national “culture war” issues.

Legislators began their work this session knowing they’d need to pass another annual budget, pick up some work that didn’t get finished in 2023, and take on new challenges like inflation and immigration. This work was due to be completed by the end of May, leaving lawmakers just under five months to tackle many priorities.

In this report, we detail the key outcomes of Illinois’s 2024 legislative session. Read on for a breakdown of what the General Assembly achieved this session, and what issues may need to wait until 2025.

The Makeup of the Illinois Legislature

Over the past decade, Democrats in the Illinois legislature have steadily grown their majority in the House of Representatives while maintaining a majority in the Senate. With no regular elections held between the 2023 and 2024 sessions, the makeup of the legislature was nearly identical when lawmakers reconvened in January.

Voters will have the opportunity to assess the work of the past two sessions in November as nearly one-third of Senate seats and all House seats are up for election. While overall party control is unlikely to shift, it’s worth watching to see if the size of Democrat’s majorities shrinks or continues to grow.

Get Started With Plural to Monitor the Illinois Legislature

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