In the complex world of government relations, building strong connections with legislative staff is crucial. These are the key players who can navigate the legislative labyrinth and help turn your policy goals into reality.

In this video, we walk through how to find legislative staff directory information in Plural.

How To Find Legislative Staff Directory Information in Plural

Find legislative staff directory information on the respective legislator’s page in Plural. You can access a legislator’s page via either the explorer tool or through clicking on the legislator’s name on a bill detail page.

  1. Once on the legislator’s page, navigate to the “Staff Directory” tab towards the top right of the page. Here, you can access a comprehensive database of legislative staffers across various levels of government.
  2. To find a specific staffer, use the search bar. You can search by name, position, or even the legislative issue they handle. This function is incredibly helpful if you’re looking to connect with someone with a certain title, or who specifically handles your policy area of interest. Please note that data on a staffer’s policy area is only available for select jurisdictions, including Congress.
  3. Once you’ve found the staffers of interest, view their name, title, contact details, and policy areas. This detailed view lets you tailor your communication effectively, ensuring that you reach out with relevant and informed messages.”

We welcome your feedback. If you discover any inaccurate directory information, let us know. To report an inaccuracy in staff directory information simply click on the three vertical dots toward the top right corner of the staffer’s directory details.

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