Public Policy Blog.

3 Legislative Tactics for the Home Stretch of the Session

Wherever you are in the legislative session, track, organize, and measure results with a legislative tracking system designed to foster public policy collaboration.


Discover Which Bills Are Gaining Momentum With Plural

Identify important legislation and discover which bills are more likely to be put up for a vote with legislative tracking software powered by AI and machine learning.


Letter From the CEO: Plural Raises $10M to Make Understanding Public Policy Better for Organizations

Today, we’re thrilled to announce our $10 million Series A round of financing. The round was led by Austin, Texas-based S3 Ventures, with new investors, Menlo Ventures, Consonance Capital, Debut Capital, AJ Shankar (CEO at Everlaw), and Colin Kaepernick.


Plural Secures $10M in Series A Funding Led by S3 Ventures

Plural, a technology company providing legislative data and intelligence products, raises a $10M Series A funding round. The investment will enable Plural to expand its ability to unlock innovation in public policy data.


How to Quickly Read Legislative Bills

If you’re new to public policy, knowing how to read legislative bills is critical. Even if you’re a longtime pro, legislative tracking software simplifies this task.


A Common Path for Federal Law: A Primer for Those New to Public Policy

New to public policy? Get a quick overview of how a federal bill can become law as well as key definitions of legislative terms you need to know.


Public Policy Pros Can’t Win Without Collaboration—Plural Workspaces Simplifies Working Together

Public policy teams: Advance your issues and manage stakeholder engagement with Enview’s Workspaces—legislative tracking software designed for collaboration.


5 Tips to Convince Your Public Policy Team to Upgrade with Collaborative Tech Tools

Tracking similar or related legislation manually is becoming obsolete. The next phase of public policy work is already here. If your team is reluctant to try new technology, here’s how you can make a case for making the switch.


Powerful Partnerships for Justice: How your brand can take effective public policy action on social issues

One of the biggest questions facing organizations and corporations today is how and when to get involved with prominent social issues. There’s a lot to unpack, and this can be a tricky subject for policy professionals and organizational leaders.


Building Winning Coalitions In A Hybrid World

Building coalitions has long been a key strategy in the policy space, and while the pandemic has added new obstacles to overcome, it has also spurred innovation.


Lessons of the Pandemic: How Policy Professionals Successfully Leveraged Remote Work and How You Can Succeed in 2022

Policy work has changed by leaps and bounds over the last two years, as a result of digital transformations spurred by the pandemic. Political pros have had to quickly adapt to a new remote-only environment to stay on top of their political game. It’s a sharp departure from a world that depends on attending hearings […]


Open States Joins Plural: A message from our new Director of Public Data

The project that’s become Open States began back in 2009 while I was an employee at Sunlight Foundation. There was great enthusiasm for civic tech at this time, but not much direction for developers interested in getting involved. How could we rally the community and concentrate this surge of energy toward places where it had […]


Ready to Amplify Your Policy Impact?

Experience the power of Plural first-hand with a free account or schedule a demo for a live walk through of the platform. Find out how Plural can transform the way you and your team shape policy.