Our Mission - Plural Policy

Our Mission.

It starts with providing the most complete information about the policies that impact us.

It takes extreme effort and vigilance just to track policy—much less to create a positive impact. If you can’t react fast or fully engage your team, laws will pass without you.
The teams that forge the policies of tomorrow will use the latest technology to empower many voices. Plural exists to make policy creation more transparent, responsive, and inclusive. And to make full participation possible.

We are leaders, thinkers, innovators,
public policy wonks, and technologists.

We are also constituents, neighbors, advocates, disruptors, and our vision is to make full participation possible.

Our Mission

The Power of Plural

We help you shape policy together, so you can shape the future. It starts with providing the most complete information about the policies that impact us.

The policymaking process is opaque, hard to access, and difficult to influence alone.

It takes extreme effort and vigilance just to track policy—much less to create a positive impact. If you can’t react fast or fully engage your team, laws will pass without you.

The teams that forge the policies of tomorrow will use the latest technology to empower many voices. Plural exists to make policy creation more transparent, responsive, and inclusive. And to make full participation possible.

We’re thankful for our community that’s supported us over the years.

Ready to Amplify Your Policy Impact?

Experience the power of Plural first-hand with a free account or schedule a demo for a live walk through of the platform. Find out how Plural can transform the way you and your team shape policy.